Friday, September 2, 2016

Ditch Your Lawn: Grow Native Plants

Is it time to ditch your lawn? California Governor Brown recently declared that the water crisis is over for now, that we have met our conservation goals. But is the emergency really over? When California still has to import most of its water to keep families comfortable, is this really the time to stop thinking about water use?

In this 6th year of drought, now is not the time to let up.  In fact, in Southern California Drought Tolerant Design has taken center stage.  Neighbors have been ditching their lawns and planting native plants and grasses. There is now a new design style for the Southland and Angelenos are getting into the look.  Drought tolerant plants mix with those that enjoy our Mediterranean climate, and Zen & rock gardens can be added to create a minimalist look. Going lawn-less is now its own new trend. And it’s not going away any time soon.

There are many resources available to illustrate what can be done. A walk around your neighborhood might give you some ideas.  I put on my walking shoes just yesterday and was pleased and gratified to see that not less than five neighbors were re-doing their front yards, going lawn-less! 

The California Native Plant Society has a comprehensive list of native plants to consider for the region of California where you live. They also have a list of contractor resources. Depending on your expertise and your budget, you will have to consider first: Who do you want to rip out your existing lawn?  Who do you want to design the new garden plantings? 

If you are following this blog, I will be adding resources and updating news on California's new gardening and water-wise home use challenges.  Feel free to join in. What's going on in your new garden? We'd love to hear about it~

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